



(1)   名称: 新加坡永定会馆.

(2)   会址: 新加坡尼路132号(邮区088861).若董事会将会址迁设他处时,则需呈交社团注册局批准。

(3)   宗旨: 以联络同乡感情,促进工商业发展,举办慈善、教育、公益事业为宗旨。

(4)   会员:

(A) 凡属永定籍新加坡公民、永久居民或其直系家属,年龄达18岁以上,经会员一人介绍,可申请加入会员。入会申请者需填妥董事会拟定的申请表格,并呈交会馆办事处。在董事会通过后,申请者才能成为会员.。董事会有权通过或拒绝任何人的入会申请。

(B)    个人永远会员应交入会基金20元。

(5)   会员的权利和义务:

(A) 凡会员应遵守本会章程及政府法律。若有犯严重刑事案,依社团注册法令之规定由董事会议提出讨论,得取消其会员资格及一切权利。

(B) 会员入会6个月后享有选举权及12个月后享有被选权。

(C) 会员大会时对本会兴革事宜有建议与表决权。

(6)   组织法:

(A) 会员大会为本会最高权力机构。

(B) 会长在获得董事部的同意下,可聘请一位行政秘书及其他职员。

(C) 所有董事会成员均为义务性质,不得受聘为本会馆受薪职员。

(D) 凡犯严重刑事案者,不得担任董事。

(7)   选举:

(A) 董事会每2年改选1次,改选必须在任满前3个月负责办理。

(B) 选举开票日两周前发出选举票给会员,以得票最多者27名为董事,次多者5位为候补董事。

(C) 产业受托人三名,必须是新加坡公民,若提名超过3人,则由会员投票表决通过。

(D) 会长、署理会长、副会长、财政、秘书长或副秘书长及其他职务,均须由董事会投票选出。

(8)   职权:

(A) 正会长对外代表本会,在董事会与会员大会为当然主席,掌管正印,签发银行及重要文件。

(B) 署理会长:协助会长办理一切事务。在正会长缺席时,代理其职权。

(C) 副会长协助正会长处理一切事务。在正会长及署理会长缺席时,代理其职务。

(D) 秘书长执行董事会之决议,处理日常会务及督促、协助各股工作,签发文件,单据,以及连同会长或财政签发银行文件等。

(E) 财政掌管进支账目,存款及签发财政方面一切单据。

(F) 中英文书负责办理中、英一切重要文件。








(9) 产业受托人:

属于本会所有的全部不动产,应根据信托声明交由受托人管理。任何受托人均可在任何时候辞去其受托人职务。如果某一受托人死亡或被宣布破产或精   神错乱或被宣布精神失常或永久移民或离开新加坡长达一年之久,他应被视为已辞去受托人职务。如某一受托人因行为不当而使其不适于继续担任受托人,则会员大会可免除其受托人身份。受托人出现的空缺可在会员大会上进行填补。任何免除某一受托人或指定某一新受托人填补空缺的提议,须在讨论该提议的会议召开前至少两个星期在本会会所范围内通过附上含有该提议的文件,予以通知。该会议的结果应在之后通知社团注册局。本会不动产的   地址、受托人的姓名以及相应的变更事项,亦应通知社团注册局。





(11)   会议:

(A) 会员大会每年一月前开会一次。必须于二星期前发传单通告周知,出席会员最小25%或50人,如人数不足,会议可延后30分钟召开。

(B) 如遇发生重要事项或由超过20位会员提出,经董事会议议决,可于10天前通知会员召开特别会员大会。

(C) 董事会议每3个月举行一次,应于一星期前发传单通知;遇有紧急件,得随时召集临时会议。

(D) 董事会出席人数以18位为法定人数,如出席人数不足,可延迟30分举行。所有议决案以出席者过半数赞成即为通过,倘遇双方意见票数相等时,则由主席加一票决定之。

(12)   任期及退职:

(A) 董事任期定为2年,连选得连任,惟财政不得连任原职;正会长连任不得超过 2届。

(B) 董事任期日期,由每届董事就职之日开始。

(C) 如有职员在任期内逝世,遗缺应由董事会投票补选。

(D) 董事如有在任期内逝世或迁居国外则同候补董事递补。

(13)   经费:

(A) 本会经费来源自会员入会费、慈善捐献、产业溢息、银行利息及其他收益。

(B) 本会经常费开支,3 千元内由秘书长签准;3千以上至1万元者,会长有权决定;1万以上至10万元者须经董事会批准;10万元以上者则必须由会员大会通过,方为有效。

(C) 本会发出银行支票须经财政与正会长或秘书长联署,方为有效。

(D) 本会如欲变卖不动产,须召开特别会员大会讨论通过方为有效。

(E) 所有来往帐目须交由财政每月结算,并于年终时呈交董事会及会员大会审核通过。

(14)   奖励:对本会有特别贡献人士可由董事会推选为名誉董事或名誉会长。惟此两职并没有选举和被选权。

(15)   禁例:

(A) 任何方式之赌博,吸毒和一切非法集会活动等,概不得在本会所内进行。

(B) 本会经费不得被用作缴交法庭罚款。

(C) 本会不得参与任何工会活动。

(D) 本会不得参与或涉及所有操纵市场价格,收受回佣和影响消费者利益的行为。

(E) 本会不介入一切政治或政治捐献的活动。

(F) 本会会员不得以本会名义主持任何抽奖活动,除非事先获得政府有关部门批准。

(G) 本会会员不得以本会名义举行筹款活动,除非事先获得政府有关部门批准。

(16)   解散:

(A) 本会如须解散,应召开特别会员大会,最少须五分之三会员亲自出席,或书面委托代表出席表决赞成,方可生效。

(B) 本会如照上条规定解散时,本会一切合法债务,须全部付清,产业余款则由会员大会决定以妥善办理之。解散后须于7日内具函向政府社团注册官呈报。


本会章程如要修改,须会员大会2/3出席会员通过,经社团注册局批准后,方为有 效。


(1) 本会成立于1918年3月14日。

(2) 第一次章程修改于1999年12月12日经会员大会修改通过并于2000年10月3日经社团注册官正式批准,并以英文章程为准。






ROS – 0546/1947/RAC                      UEN NO: S18SS0002F


1. NAME:

This Association shall be known as ENG TENG ASSOCIATION.


The place of business of this Association shall be at “No. 132 Neil Road, Singapore 088861” or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Committee and approved by the Registrar of Societies. The Association shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary.


The objects of this Association shall be to foster better relationship among member of the Eng Teng clan, to promote industrial and commercial development, and to organize charitable, educational and welfare projects.


A. Any Singapore Citizen, Singapore Permanent Resident or his immediate family members of the Eng Teng clan, above the age of 18 years, may, on the recommendation of an existing member of this Association, apply to be an individual member of this Association. Each application for membership shall be made on a form prescribed from time to time by the Management Committee for the purpose and shall be submitted to the office of the Association. The Management Committee shall decide on the application for membership.

B. Each permanent Individual Member shall pay an entrance fee of $20.00.


A. All Members shall abide by the Rules and Regulations of this Association and the laws. In the event of a member having committed a serious criminal offence, in accordance with the provisions of the Societies Act, this Association’s Management Committee may investigate and inquire into the matter and shall make a just decision on the outcome of such investigation. Once the member is found guilty of the offence, his membership and all privileges attached therewith shall be revoked.

B. All Members after having been admitted to this Association for a period of six months or more shall be entitled to vote; and for a period of 12 months or more be elected at the elections of Members of the Management Committee.

C. All members shall have the right to make suggestions or proposals and to vote on all matters concerning the promotion and development of the affairs of this Association at this Association’s General Meeting(s).


A. General Meeting(s) of the members of this Association shall be the supreme authority of this Association.

B. an Executive Secretary and other employees shall be employed by the President with the approval of the Management Committee

C. All members of the Management Committee shall serve in an honorary capacity and shall not be employed by this Association as paid employees

D. No person who has committed or has been convicted of any serious criminal offence shall be elected to be a member of the Management Committee.


A. Election of members of the Management Committee shall be held biennially at the General Meeting by voting, and an Election Committee shall be set up three months before the expiry of each term of the Management Committee to attend to the election.

B. Voting is done by ballot. The ballot papers shall be delivered / dispatched to all Members of this Association two weeks before the date due for the counting of votes. The 27 members who carry the highest number of votes shall be elected Members of the Management Committee, with the five members who carry the next highest numbers of votes to be alternate Members of the Management Committee.

C. If the Association at any time acquires any immovable property, such property shall be vested in the Trustees, subject to a declaration of trust. There shall be 3 trustees (all of whom must be Singapore citizens) to be elected by the General Meeting of members to hold immovable properties for the Association. In the event of more than 3 persons being nominated, a ballot shall be conducted and the candidates with the highest number of votes shall be elected.

D. The appointment of the President, Deputy President, Vice- President, Treasurer, Secretary-General or Assistant Secretary-General and office bearers shall be made at the subsequent meeting by the 27 Management Committee Members by means of vote casting. Those who get the majority votes will be elected. When there is a tie, it shall be decided by the system of lot drawing.


A. The duties of the President shall be:

a. to represent this Association in all external affairs;

b. to convene meetings of the Management Committee and to be the ex-officio Chairman at the Annual General Meetings;

c. to keep the official seal of this Association, to sign all banking and other important documents;

B. The Deputy President shall assist the President in the execution of all the latter’s duties and deputise for him in his absence.

C. The Vice- President shall assist the President in the execution of all the latter’s duties and deputise for the President in the absence of the President and Deputy President.

D. The Secretary-General shall be responsible for the Association and Committees of the Association, and assist the Committees in their work, sign documents, bills and bank documents in conjunction with the President and the Treasurer.

E. The Treasurer shall keep proper accounts of all income and expenditure, and deposits and to sign all financial vouchers and receipts.

F. The Chinese and the English Secretaries shall deal with all important documents in the Chinese and English Languages respectively.

G. The Public Relations Officer shall represent the Association in all its social activities.

H. The Head of Youth Committee shall promote youth related activities, prepare proposal and report to the meeting of the Management Committee, and shall execute them upon approval.

I. The Head of Women Committee shall promote women related activities, prepare proposal and report to the meeting of the Management Committee, and shall execute them upon approval.

J. The Head of Recreation Committee shall promote social and recreation activities, prepare proposal and report to the meeting of the Management Committee, and shall execute them upon approval.

K. The Head of Cultural and Education Committee shall promote cultural and educational activities, prepare proposal and report to the meeting of the Management Committee, and shall execute them upon approval.

L. The Head of Charities and Welfare Committee shall promote charitable and welfare activities, prepare proposal and report to the meeting of the Management Committee, and shall execute them upon approval.


A. The Trustees shall be responsible for the safe-keeping of all title deeds of this Association’s immovable properties. In the event of any Trustee having migrated or if he is absent from the Republic of Singapore for a period of more than a year, or if he is guilty of misconduct of such kind as to render it undesirable for him to continue as a trustee, or if he becomes a lunatic or of unsound mind, or if he submits notice of resignation from his trusteeship, or if he dies, another trustee should be elected/ appointed by this Association at General Meeting to replace such trustee. Notice of any proposal to remove a trustee from his trusteeship or to appoint a new trustee to fill a vacancy must be given by affixing in the premises of the Association a document containing such proposal at least two weeks before the General Meeting at which the proposal is to be discussed. The result of such meeting shall then be notified to the Registrar of Societies.


A. Two members of the Committee will be elected as Honorary Auditors. They will be required to audit each year’s account and present a report upon them to the annual general meeting.

B. The accounts of the Association shall be audited by a firm of Certified Public Accountants if the gross income or expenditure of the Association exceeds $500,000 in that financial year, in accordance with Section 4 of the Societies Regulations.

C. The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December.


A. Annual General Meetings shall be held once a year and not later than month of January. Notice of an annual General Meeting shall be sent to all Members of this Association at least two weeks before the Meeting. At least 25% of the total membership of the Association or fifty voting Members whichever is lesser present at the Meeting shall form the quorum. Should there be no quorum, the Meeting may only be proceeded with after it has been adjourned for half an hour and should the number then present be still insufficient to form a quorum, those present shall be considered a quorum but they shall have no power to alter, amend or make additions to these Rules.

B. In the event of there being any urgent matter of importance or on the request made by more than 20 members, the Management Committee may convene an extraordinary General Meeting by giving ten day’s notice setting out the agenda. However, all those who make the request for such an extraordinary meeting to be held, shall be present or else the resolution passed shall be null and void.

C. Meetings of the Management Committee shall be held quarterly with one week’s prior written notice being given to the Committee Members. In the event of any emergency matter, a meeting may be convened at anytime.

D. 18 Members of the Management Committee shall form the quorum for any Committee Meeting. Should there be no quorum, the Meeting may only be proceeded with after it has been adjourned for half an hour. All resolutions at the Meeting shall be carried by a simple majority. In the event of there being a tie in the votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.


A. The term of office of the Management Committee is two years. All office-bearers, except for the Treasurer, may be re-elected provided always that the President shall not be re-elected after holding office for two consecutive terms.

B. The term of office of the Management Committee shall commence from the day the Committee takes office.

C. If any office-bearer dies during his term of office, the vacancy shall be filled by a Member of the Management Committee by way of ballot of the Management Committee.

D. Any vacancy in the ordinary members of the Management Committee shall be filled by an Alternate Member with the highest number of votes.

13. FUNDS:

A. The funds of this Association shall be derived from the entrance fees, charity donation, profits from this Association’s property, bank interest and/ or other income.

B. All expenditures of this Association shall only be allowed with the approvals of: – the Treasurer in respect of sums up to Dollars Three Thousand; the President in respect of sums in excess of Dollars Three Thousand and up to Dollars Ten Thousand; the Management Committee in respect of sums exceeding Dollars Ten Thousand and up to Dollars One Hundred Thousand; and the General Meeting in respect of sums exceeding Dollars One Hundred Thousand.

C. All bank cheques issued by this Association must be signed jointly by the Treasurer and the President, or the Secretary-General.

D. Any proposal to sell and/or dispose of any of this Association’s immovable property, must be discussed and approved by the General Meeting of members.

E. Every month the accounts of income and expenditure of the Association shall be submitted to the Treasurer by the clerk for him to do the balancing and preparing the statement. After auditing, it is distributed to the various committee members and it shall be put at the notice board in the Association. At the end of the year, all the account shall be closed and balanced for the Management Committee and the Annual General Meeting to examine the accounts and check.

14. AWARD:

Any person who has made special contributions towards this Association, may be nominated by the Management Committee to be an Honorary Life Member of the Management Committee or an Honorary Life President of this Association. However, such person shall not have the right to vote and to hold office in the Association.


A. Gambling of any kind, excluding the promotion or conduct of a private lottery which has been permitted under the private Lotteries Act, Cap.250, is forbidden on the Association’ s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug taking and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited.

B. The funds of the Association shall not be used to pay the fines of members who have been convicted in court of law.

C. The Association shall not engage in any trade union activity as defined in any written law relating to trade unions for the time being in force in Singapore.

D. The Association shall not attempt to restrict or interfere with trade or make directly or indirectly any recommendation to, any arrangement with its members which has the purpose or is likely to have the effect of fixing or controlling the price or any discount, allowance or rebate relating to any goods or service which adversely affect consumer interests.

E. The Association shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes.

F. The Association shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the Association or its office-bearers, Committee or members unless with the prior approval of the relevant authorities.

G. The Association shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Assistant Director Operations, Licensing Division, Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities.


A. This Association shall not be dissolved except with the consent of not less than three-fifths of the total number of members expressed, either in person or by proxy authorised in writing at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for the purpose.

B. In the event of this Association being dissolved as provided in the immediate preceding article, all debts and liabilities legally incurred by or on behalf of this Association shall be fully discharged with the remaining/surplus funds and property being taken care of in accordance with the decision of the members at a General Meeting. A Certificate of Dissolution shall be given to the Registrar of Societies within seven days of the dissolution of this Association.


The Association shall not amend its Constitution without the prior approval in writing of the Registrar of Societies. No alteration or addition/deletion to this Constitution shall be passed except at a general meeting and with the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present at the General Meeting.